Drama Tree

Developed by Ezysoft Solutions on the Wix platform, the Drama Tree website is designed to represent a unique drama school dedicated to enriching children’s lives through the arts. This project demonstrates our ability to deliver a vibrant and interactive online presence that effectively communicates the school’s philosophy and encourages engagement in drama education.

Project Link: https://www.dramatree.com.au/

Completion Time: 6 days

Drama Tree
Website Design
Key Features:
  • Team Collaboration: Spearheaded by the skilled team at Ezysoft Solutions, ensuring a creative and functional website that reflects the dynamic and engaging nature of children’s drama education.
  • Interactive Class Descriptions: Detailed pages for each class offering, showcasing the diverse programs available and emphasizing the benefits of drama in developing 21st-century skills.
  • Timetable Integration: Features an easy-to-navigate timetable page, allowing parents and students to quickly find suitable classes.
  • Seamless Booking System: Integrated booking functionality for regular classes and trial lessons, designed to streamline the enrollment process.
  • Engaging FAQ Section: Provides answers to common queries, helping to reduce barriers for new parents and students considering joining the school.
  • Contact and Trial Lesson Accessibility: Includes an intuitive contact form and dedicated page for signing up for a trial lesson, facilitating first-time visitor engagement and conversion.
Technologies Used:
  • Wix Platform: Selected for its robust and user-friendly capabilities for content management and design.
  • Wix Bookings: Employed to handle all aspects of class sign-ups and management efficiently.
  • Custom JavaScript: Used for enhanced user interactions and functionality, ensuring a smooth user experience.


Ezysoft is a digital agency that specializes in providing services such as WordPress development, app development, graphic design, and SEO.

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