Web Support Packages


Ezysoft Solutions Web Maintenance Packages: Ensuring Your Website’s Success

At EzySoft Solutions, we understand the importance of maintaining and updating your website to ensure it remains current, functional, and visually appealing. To meet the diverse needs of our clients, we offer a range of website support packages designed to provide comprehensive care and enhancements for your digital presence. Our tailored packages cater to various levels of support requirements, ensuring there is an option perfectly suited to your needs.

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Bronze 01

Our Bronze package is ideally suited for basic maintenance tasks, ensuring your website remains up-to-date and relevant. This package includes:

AUD 70 Month
  • Content Updates: Refresh your website's content weekly to keep it current and engaging for your visitors.
  • Image Updates: Keep your site visually appealing with weekly image refreshes, ensuring your visuals stay aligned with your brand and message.

Silver 02

Building on the foundational support package, our Silver package offers enhanced support for more significant website updates. This package includes:

AUD 130 Month
  • Content Updates: Refresh your website's content weekly to keep it current and engaging for your visitors.
  • Image Updates: Keep your site visually appealing with weekly image refreshes, ensuring your visuals stay aligned with your brand and message.
  • Page Section Addition: Expand your website's content by adding new sections to existing pages, allowing for a more comprehensive presentation of your services or products.

Gold 03

Our most comprehensive package. This package is designed for those looking to significantly enhance or expand their online presence. It includes:

AUD 200 Month
  • Content Updates:Refresh your website's content weekly to keep it current and engaging for your visitors.
  • Image Updates: Keep your site visually appealing with weekly image refreshes, ensuring your visuals stay aligned with your brand and message.
  • Page Section Addition: Expand your website's content by adding new sections to existing pages, allowing for a more comprehensive presentation of your services or products.
  • Page Creation: Elevate your website with the creation of new pages, allowing for a broader showcase of your offerings, services, or resources.

Ezysoft is a digital agency that specializes in providing services such as WordPress development, app development, graphic design, and SEO.

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